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Longterm Relationship
«Gastrecht» heisst die Jubiläumsreihe des Palace St.Gallen anlässlich seines zehnjährigen Bestehens. Saiten lässt dem Palace seinerseits von auswärts gratulieren: Nach Chrigel Fisch, Herwig Bauer, Fabienne Schmuki, Daniel Fontana, Klemens Wempe, Dani Fels gratuliert und Rainer von Arx gratuliert zum Schluss That Fucking Sara.

Palace-Finken. Gefunden am 24-Stunden Jubiläumsfest vom 25. September 2016, morgens um 8. (Bild: co)
This should have been a «happy birthday Palace» note, but then a friend was asking about my plans for tonight and for some reason I replied «Im writing a love letter». Im not even sure that I know how to write one tho.
I still remember how our relationship started, dear Palace—I was DJing in Zürich in Helsinki Klub when two people came up to the DJ booth and introduced themselves as the «Rap History St.Gallen» crew. I already knew the Rap History series form other cities where I also have been DJing several times, but I had only been to St.Gallen once in my life (less than 24 hours for a gig) and I had never ever been to Palace.
Anyway, to make a short story even shorter, we agreed on me spinning at Rap History St.Gallen 1988, which is my favourite year in the history of rap and I arrived in Palace on November 25th 2011, which means that we have been in this long distance relationship for almost 6 years.
Your red plush seats, your wooden floor, you balcony, your pillars, the vibe, the audience, the light (and your red wine is pretty good too): I immediately busted out with a «This is the most beautiful Rap History location ever» the first time I saw you (yep, that’s how superficial I am) and I still mean it to this day. Palace, you are beautiful at sound check, with a packed dance floor and with beer footprints all over the floor at 4 am in the morning and I am more than thankful and feeling very lucky that I have been able to experience that several times.
The highlight of our relationship until now, was almost exact 4 years after we got to know each other—November 28th 2015, the concert from La Base & Tru Comers organized from the Rap History St.Gallen crew—it was actually my best con cert experience in that year. Standing there in the dark, watching a great show and the feeling of belonging—thank you, my dear Palace.
Gastrecht 8 – Imaginary Musics: 5. und 6. Mai, Palace St.Gallen. Mit Pram, Ela Orleans, Xavier Boussiron, Laida Lertxundi, The Dead Mauriacs, Discographisme Récréatif, Pierre Bastien, Joasihno, Klavikon, Sounds of Silence u.a.
In every relationship there are things that you don’t like to talk about too much, because you are sorry about them: Palace, I’m so very sorry for the two times that I ditched you, but actually it wasn’t really my fault (as always, but then again it wasn’t yours either). Once the road was blocked to the airport so I had no chance to make it on time—I actually watched the plane taking off as I finally got to the airport. The second time there was a strike going on so I couldn’t get to you at all. Then there was the time where things escalated a bit in your red plush seats, that wasn’t my fault either (of course) but the huge box of Edding pens that you handed me. I’m also sorry for the drunken DJs that napped in your seats during a party—that is after all perhaps my fault even though I could blame your comfortable red plush and your whisky for that one as well.
Palace, you are the reason for two of the most precious things in life—I made friendships in your arms and you make me feel welcome each time I see you (and I was once on the train with FC St.Gallen 1879 Frauen on my way to you).
Dear Palace, I would like to develop our relationship—there’s definitely a foundation and who knows, if things works out well, I might be able to write you in Swiss German when you turn 20.
Hoch die Rotwein-Tassen!
That Fucking Sara, 1975, lebt in Berlin Kreuzberg.